Gates will open at 6:00 pm. Cost is $10 per person, $10 per ice chest. BYOB. Featuring 13 independent horror films made by some of the best talent in the DFW area. Come support the local film scene while helping The Parker House raise money for their new fire suppression system.
MORE Film titles and directors will be posted soon. We will be accepting CASH ONLY at the ticket booth.
• You are allowed to bring your own alcohol, but it must be contained in your own personal ice chest or container. No alcohol will be allowed to be left out of containers/ice chest or left unattended at any time. You will be responsible for who is consuming your alcohol at all times. No underage drinking will be allowed. Anyone intoxicated will be asked to leave. Absolutely no drinking and driving will be tolerated. No bags of ice will be available for purchase at the event.
• Full service concessions will be available with snacks, candy and cold drinks as well as hotdogs, hamburgers and turkey legs.
• Portable restrooms will also be available.
• We will have 50 folding chairs set up, but you are encouraged to bring your own chair or blanket.
• The event will be under a 25,000 square foot covered metal building but it is open on the sides and has a gravel floor so bug spray is likely necessary.
• The films will be shown on a 12' x 8' screen as well as on several 55" TV monitors.
• Smoking will be allowed in the designated section ONLY. Absolute no exceptions.
• Vaping will be allowed but only in ares were the vapor will not interfere with others view.
• The films that will be showing are independent short films and are NOT RATED. Please be aware that some of the films would be rated NC17 while others would be rated R.
• These films do contain adult content and violence. Some do contain adult language, nudity and sexual content.
• We will be showing the more tame films earlier in the evening and the more risqué films towards the end.